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The different types of construction defects

Construction defect litigation can be costly and time consuming for any one of a number of professionals that can wind up facing a construction defects claim. It is important for those same individuals to be familiar with construction law, how it can help them and the different types of construction defects that may be claimed.

The different types of construction defects

Construction defects generally fall into four different categories including subsurface deficiencies, design deficiencies, materials deficiencies and construction deficiencies. Specific construction defects can include:

  • Problems with structural integrity which can include problems with the concrete, masonry and division, foundation or carpentry;
  • Problems with expansive soils;
  • Problems with thermal or moisture protection;
  • Water intrusion problems which may result in toxic mold;
  • Electrical problems;
  • Mechanical problems;
  • Problems with doors, windows and glass; and
  • Problems with the finishes.

Construction defects can be claimed in the areas of design, planning, supervision, construction, observation or inspection of a home or building. The standard that is used is if the home or building was constructed in a workmanlike manner and if it is fit for the particular use it is intended for. Construction defects claims can result in damages awards for the loss of value of the home or building or the costs associated with remedying the construction defect.

Against whom can claims be filed?

A claim for construction defects may be brought against a variety of different professionals including contractors, architects, engineers and others. A construction defects claim can be costly to defend against which is why understanding construction legal resources is important for any professional facing construction defects claims.

